Patient Satisfaction

Complaints Procedure

Ravenshead Dental Practice

We strive to do our utmost to ensure you are happy with your treatment and your experience with us.

In the event that you have any cause for complaint our aim is to resolve your issue as swiftly as possible to your satisfaction. To assist us in doing this, in the first instance, please speak to one of our staff members to seek to resolve the issue.

If your issue remains unresolved please speak to Dr. Laurie Carlson-Hedges on 01623 792 186 who will aim to respond within 2 working days. Alternatively please write or email us at:

Address: Ravenshead Dental Practice, 1a Milton Court, Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire, NG15 9BD


For the full copy of our complaints policy please ask a member of staff or look at our downloads section. We always welcome your comments and suggestions, and appreciate any feedback you may have.